Friday 31 October 2014

Gracey: Exploring Dysautonomia Through the Arts for Dysautonomia Awareness Month 2014

Next up on Exploring Dysautonomia Through the Arts is, Gracey. Her work perfectly captures the experience of Dysautonomia. The people walking by while we are horizontal, two different worlds coexisting, yet often feeling so far apart.

I used to take being upright for granted. I could walk and run and play and sit and stand. I loved to shop, and I used to spend a lot of time shopping! I loved to play football and badminton. I liked riding my bike and going for walks through the countryside.

Now I find all those things very difficult. I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome which is a type of dysautonomia. Everything upright is very difficult for me. Standing can make me dizzy and breathless, make me feel nauseous and in pain. Even sitting can make me feel awful. 

Sometimes I have good days when I manage to push through and do some of the things I have always enjoyed doing. And on the bad days all I can do is lie in a heap and watch the world rush past me. But I don't give up hope because every day gets us one day closer to the day when we find a cure!

Remember to head on over here to donate to my Clicking My Heels For Dysautonomia, raising money for the Greg Page Fund for Orthostatic Intolerance and Dysautonomia research, at The Baker IDI. Thanks to the generosity of many we've already raised over $3,400, keep donating and hopefully we can reach $10,000.

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